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Sweater Stone
Sweater Stone
Sweater Stone
Sweater Stone

Sweater Stone


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Remove the unwanted pilling and balling on your sweaters with the magical Sweater Stone. This small and lightweight pumice-like stone restores the luster of your sweaters, knits, cashmere, upholstery, towels, shirts, and even bedding.

Simply brush The Sweater Stone across problem areas and the cells within the lattice of the stone will remove those irritating pills and balls. Each tiny cell features sharp edges that literally cut the tiny strands of fabric that secure the pills to your garment. As they cut, the cells dislodge from the stone, eliminating the possibility of snags.

Adds life to knits.

Removes pilling and balling that develops on knits with wear.

 Easy to use.

Simply brush the Sweater Stone across the affected areas.

 Natural & recycled

Sweater Stone
is made from recycled glass.

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